SGI would like to thank you for choosing us as your landscape installer. The installed plant material is accompanied by a 1-year limited warranty as follows:
Limited Warranty: Your landscaping has a 1-year limited warranty on trees, perennials and shrubs installed by SGI. SGI will replace the plant with an identical or similar product.
Newly installed plants may display signs of distress after transplant, particularly during the hot summer months. Your new plants must receive proper care to help minimize stress. After installation completion, the owners are responsible for providing the plants with sufficient water and fertilizer (as recommended by our staff) during their growing season (May – October) to maintain their health. Trees and shrubs are warranted for one year from the date of installation and will be replaced once within the warranty period should they die.
SGI does not cover the replacement of plants due to damage by pests, insect infestation, abnormal weather conditions, or any other conditions beyond our control. We will also not replace plants experiencing normal seasonal dieback and will produce new growth after proper pruning and care are given.
This warranty will be voided on any plants installed initially by SGI and then moved or modified by an individual other than SGI. SGI will also not provide a warranty on plants moved/transplanted on-site by our staff. If this is a risk the client wishes to take, we can assist you, but we cannot guarantee its transplant success.
Lawns: All new sod, hydroseeded, and seeded lawns are of premium quality. New lawns are guaranteed to be healthy at the time of installation only. Watering is the responsibility of the client. New lawns require extra fertilization until established.
SGI will use all efforts to minimize any weeds; however, we do not guarantee any weeds or other unwanted plant matter around the client's property in soil or root balls/planting containers of plant materials. SGI will not provide a warranty for the removal of existing weeds.
The warranty of trees, shrubs, and perennials does not apply to clearance items.
The warranty will be voided if payment is not made in full within the terms of the original contract/agreement.
Hardscape Warranty: SGI's hardscape projects are done with the highest quality materials and installers. Our installers have many years of experience. To protect your investment, we recommend regular proper inspection and maintenance of your project be completed. Polymeric sand must be topped up, and any minor issues should be corrected before they become a significant deficiency.
Warranties on our installed hardscape projects begin from the completion date and are valid for two years, provided proper yearly maintenance procedures are followed. Warranties cover any settlement of heaving greater than 3/8 of an inch, cracked or damaged, or loose stones.
The warranty on hardscape projects will be voided if payment is not made in full within the terms of the original contract/agreement. Warranty will also be voided if inappropriate use results from the damage to your hardscape above and beyond what it was intended for (for example, driving machinery on a walkway intended for pedestrian use only).
The warranty will be voided if the client does not inform SGI of unusual and abnormal conditions. It is the client's responsibility to inform SGI promptly. This warranty also does not cover naturally occurring efflorescence, stains, natural settling, underground springs and acts of mother nature.